Most Common Survival Items that Everyone Needs

Most Common Survival Items that Everyone Needs

Many survival experts recently came up with a comprehensive list of the most common survival items that every person should have.

However, not all individuals are aware of these items and the lack of proper knowledge will make it hard to create a survival kit, especially in choosing which items to include. So to help you, this article discusses the most common survival needs that every person has.


Water is another example of the most common survival needs that a person has since it is responsible for keeping the body hydrated and capable of working well. The body can go without food for up to three weeks, and survive, but can survive only 3-4 days without water. Just like food, this should be included in a survival kits.

But since a survival kit should remain lightweight, survival experts strongly recommend that a person should purchase the most reliable water products formulated for survival purposes; such products are placed in portable and lightweight packages that allow them to be portable.

A water supply can come sealed in pre-packaged amounts, or you can buy water purification tablets, or Steri-Straws that will allow you to purify water from a natural source, such as from a river, stream, or lake and use it fro drinking.


Food is definitely among the most common survival needs that every person has because it is responsible for providing a person with the nutrients that are responsible for making the body function well.

The food that the person consumes allows him to stay strong, especially when facing certain conditions that require exerting greater efforts, especially when under stress, such as in a survival situation.

Fortunately, those who are planning to create their own emergency kits can now purchase food packs known as MREs, which is designed for survival purposes. This type of food is formulated with all the nutrients that a person needs to remain healthy.

These foods are placed in durable and portable packages that allow them to be easily taken wherever you go. On top of that, these food packs can be stored for a long time for they come with a long shelf life.


Many experts strongly agree that a blanket is among the most top survival needs a person has because it is quite effective in keeping a person alive for a few days by preventing him from freezing or dying from hypothermia. A blanket can also be used to serve as a person’s temporary shelter during an emergency situation.


Every person also needs fire in order to survive, particularly when confronted with challenging environmental conditions, because fire is an effective source of heat needed to survive a freezing or very cold weather condition.

Furthermore, the fire can be used to cook food, or boil water for drinking, especially water that was obtained from a questionable source.

Finally, fire is an effective way to deter predators when you have to survive in the wild, and it is also a also a good way to catch the attention of rescuers and personnel dispatched to provide assistance. Thus, a survival kit should always include matches or fire starters.


A flashlight is an effective light source when you are  trying to survive in the wild, outdoors or in an area where the amount of available light is limited. A flashlight can also be used to catch the attention of rescuers or other individuals that have been tasked to extend help to those who are in need.

But since a flashlight usually consumes a lot of energy from its batteries, it is also important to include an extra set of batteries in the survival kit. By doing so, you will be able to use the flashlight for a long time since an extra set of batteries is available when the first set gets drained.


Finally, survival experts believe that a knife is among the top survival tools that a person needs since it is used in many situations. First, it can be used to cut branches when starting a fire. Second, this is used to clear a person’s path when looking for help, in an emergency situation.

On top of that, this serves as your weapon when attacked by any wild animal when you are trying to survive in an outdoor situation.

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